
Advanced Foods

Page history last edited by Karla Downs 9 years, 11 months ago

Advanced Foods -- Spring 2015



Advanced Foods is a second level foods class. Food safety, measurement, utensils and food preparation learned in Beginning Foods are enhanced within each unit. Advanced foods takes a deeper approach to being able to cook on your own. Each unit is paired with a lab experience that enhances what you've learned within the unit. What a bonus! You get to learn, cook and EAT!!!!

You will never go hungry again since you will learn to cook on your own. Yes, there is more to life than Hamburger Helper, Ramen Noodles and Frozen pizza!!! This is a semester class that is open to any student who has already taken Beginning Foods. An added bonus to this class is that you get to do a fun project on another country. 

     This is a semester class designed to be an extension of Beginning Foods. We will focus on many different concepts beginning with a unit on Eggs. Following the Egg unit, we will travel the recipe world and explore Cakes, Cookies, Pies and Candies; Soups, Salads and Casseroles; Dairy; Poultry; Meat and then finally, Fish and Seafood. Each unit will pull from information learned in Beginning Foods. Measuring and kitchen terminology along with kitchen safety will be enforced within each and every lesson. 

Each  student must be willing to come to class to learn and be prepared. The Foods book is a resource that you must become accustomed to. It is your responsibility to read, take notes and ask questions. 

     You will find this WIKI a means of reference for you throughout this semester. You will be responsible for logging evaluations, answering questions and using this resource to submit homework, finding rubrics and guidelines and also to help you prepare for tests. I encourage you to memorize your username and password, so that I don't have to hear excuses as to why you don't have something completed. All submissions are tracked by time and date, so excuses won't be tolerated. You will all have ample amount of time to complete and submit evaluations, so a graded response is your responsibility!

     Check out the WIKI frequently as I have been known to give hints for tests/quizzes and other graded items. 



40% Homework

30% Labs/Projects/WIKI

30% Tests/Quizzes


3rd Quarter: 

Food Related Career Focus Report--40 points [5 points/slide possible]

You will create a slide show telling about a person who has made a career relating to food. Whether it be a cookbook author, food critic, TV personality, Chef, or any other interesting career. The slide show must be at least 8 slides and include at least one photo per slide. Slides only containing photos will not count towards the 8 slides. Please include all applicable information such as biographical information, how they got to where they are now and what their future holds for them; in addition to the successes they have made.  

Reports will be due MARCH 1st. A schedule of the dates for presentations will be posted at a later date. I will provide an occasional day in the library/Mac lab to work on your report; however, this will mainly be your responsibility! DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!


4th quarter:

International Foods Report

This is a HUGE project that you should be thinking about throughout the semester. Reports will be Due on May 5th. Follow the rubric closely to be sure you have completed each area completely. 


International Foods Report:


Advanced Foods Final Cookbook


advancedfoods    fish4peach




Cakes, ** Cake Decorating Contest or Creative Baking Contest


Pies and Pastry



Soups- Chili Cook-off???

White Sauce and Soups

Soup Salad and Casseroles Labs




Poultry / Fish and Seafood

Meat- Pork & Beef


Final Meal





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