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Health I

Page history last edited by Karla Downs 10 years, 9 months ago

Chapter1 study sheet


Chapter 20 Quiz


Health I Chapter 2 test Help


Chapter 8 Study Sheet


Chapter 9 Study Sheet


Chapter 19 Study Sheet



health1    tiger9orange



Grade Level: 9th – 12th

Number of Semesters: 1

Health I is a comprehensive semester course designed to implement the basic knowledge of health for adolescents.  The primary focus of this course helps students examine their lifestyles, select goals, and make plans to achieve and maintain optimum health.  Students will develop knowledge, skills and an understanding in the areas of health and wellness, relationships, mental and emotional health, managing stress, male/female reproductive systems, STDs, AIDs, Alcohol, and Tobacco. It is highly recommended that this course be taken during 9th grade. 


Current Event Form


Current Event                         Name:_______________


Name of Article:___________________________________________(1 point)


Source of the Article:_______________________________________(1 point)


Author of the Article:_______________________________________(1 point)


Date of the Article:________________________________________(1 point)

                                    **article must be written in the year 2007 

Summary of the Article ( In your own words):  8 points









Written response to the article. (4 points)

( I liked, didn’t like, learned a lot, was confused, etc...., and then explain WHY!)








How does it relate to Health: (4 points)

 (This article relates to Health because.....)



                                                               Total points _____/20

         Article or copy of the article must be attached

        Article or copy of the article must be attached - this article must be long enough to summarize in at least 5 sentences. No “Dear, Dr. Donohue”, or any others allowed.


Topic: ___________________________________________________________


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