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Child Development Class

Page history last edited by Karla Downs 10 years, 7 months ago

childdevelopment    dolphin3peach




Social Development

Intellectual Development

Moral Development

Physical Development

Mental/Emotional Development


Birth to 1 year

1-3 years

3-6 years





Chapter 1 Learning about Children

Chapter 5 Prenatal Development--- Prenatal and Pregnancy Booklet

Ch 5 Study Questions 

Empathy Belly

Baby project

Deep End Of The Ocean- click here to access video questions 

Unit 1

     Chapter 8 8-1, pg 257 1-7; 8-2, List the 6 rules to build a brain by, # 7, pg 266; 8-3, pg. 277 1-7; 8-4, pg. 289 1-7 Discuss Friday 2/25

     Chapter 9 9-1; pg. 303 1-7; 9-2 pg. 313 1-7  

     Chapter 10 10-1 pg 328 1-3, 2; 10-2 pg. 339 1-7; Due: 

Unit 1 test- Ch 8-9-10 


Unit 2

     Chapter 11 11-1 pg. 357 1-7, 1; 11-2 pg. 371 1-7, 3 (use  www.mypyramid.gov) pg 374. 3-9 DUE 3/22/11

     Chapter 12 12-1 pg. 391 1-7; 12-2 pg. 401 1-7

     Chapter 13 13-1 pg. 416 1-6; 13-2 pg. 427 1-8


Unit 3

     Chapter 14 14-1 pg 443 1-5; 14-2 pg.451 1-8; pg 454 #1 Taking Action (do on a separate paper)

     Chapter 15 15-1 pg. 467 1-7; 15-2 pg. 477 1-7; pg 480 #1 Taking Action

     Chapter 16 16-1 pg. 492 3-7; 16-2 pg. 503 1-6; pg. 507 Cross-Curricular #1 (Art), Family and Community Connections #1 learning in the home


Head Start Observation and Report  DUE 

Head Start teaching  April 20-30 seniors first then juniors

FINAL PROJECT- Development Presentation Seniors due May 6th /May 7th All late projects must be presented DIRECTLY with Mrs. Downs NO projects after 3 pm on Friday May 7th Senior Grades will be finalized that day. - Juniors Due May 11th (Tuesday) 

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 


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